Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July weekend

We had the 4th of July weekend off from camp because of Peters responsibilities with the Freedom Festival. Saturday we went to a Reception for the Chief Scout Executive ( the Highest position in professional scouting). He was one of the V.I.P's for the Stadium of Fire, because of the world largest Eagle Court of Honor, celebrating a 100 years of scouting.
Because of the big scouting event Peter really want to go to the Stadium of fire. We had pretty crummy seats, but luckily my Brother Shawn and his wife's family had extra space by them and we scoured sweet spot and had a blast hanging out with them.
One thing I didn't like about the hole experience was too much fake Utah county culture. There where so many barbie doll house wife's with matching little kids parading themselves around trying to be recognized as some one important. I can't stand the Stepford wives of Utah County. Looking like you are perfect (that includes looking like you have money) is one of the greatest downfalls of our Mormon culture. I could almost see the words PRIDE stamped on their heads.
I was even annoyed with the sponsors of the event, they where placating to this mentality, "If us our product then you will be accepted in to this elect culture".

1 comment:

chrissy said...

seriously, those kinds of moms really bug. thanks for a fab weekend last week. we had fun, even if it didn't look like it when we left ;)

and woo hoo!

only 3 more days of camp!!!