Wednesday, June 2, 2010

whirl wind trip part 2

After Fransisco we drove down to Yosemite. We planned on just finding a little motel to sleep at but, we couldn't find one. We ended up sleeping in the back of the Subaru Outback at a campsite. It was one of the worst night of sleep I have ever had. I kept wishing the dawn would come. We had planned spending the whole day hicking around Yosemite, because we were going to take a shot cut home, but it was still closed for the winter. We had to leave early because now we had to drive all the way down to Vegas to head back home. What we did see of the Park was pretty.

Here are some extra pictures from out trip

We did all of this driving in 5 days. talk about a whirl wind trip1. The whole trip we listed to the new Stephine Myer book the "Host".

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