This week we successfully moved all of our stuff to our new apartment down the street. This place is nothing special, I'll have to post pics once I get stuff unpacked. Its a basement apartment that has 3 rooms and a storage room, but it has a tiny kitchen and low ceilings. The house that it is in was built in 1919 and has some issues. The upstairs needs a hazmat team to come in and clean it. It looks as though it was in a natural disaster involving cats. It is by far the most nasty place I have ever seen. It creeps me out that I live underneath it. These picture don't do justice to the smell of cat piss and @#$@#% that radiates from every inch of this hell hole. This house only has one thermostat that controls our heat and it is upstairs. So if we need to adjust it we have to enter the big nasty. The lady that lived there moved out the same time we moved into the basement and she has kept the back door open for us to adjust the temp. (Lucky us) We are hoping that no one will rent the upstairs, cause we have to pay half of the gas bill. If it is just us we don't even really need to run the furnace. The upstairs is a beast to keep heated.
The lady left her 2 cats here this weekend that's why they are in the pics. They freak me out cause I can hear them running around upstairs. Fortunately she picked them up today.
I know that you said it was bad, but I just could not picture really how bad until I saw the pictures. The whole upstairs needs to be completely remodled. That is so nasty. She left it way bad, because she did not have to worry about getting a deposit back so she did not care. What is with leaving a bed, chairs, etc? That is way bad. It makes my skin crawl just looking at it.
Eww, Vanessa! Do you mind? I was eating lunch while checking up on blogs!!!
Excuse me while I go throw up...
(okay, in all seriousness, that is DISGUSTING. i don't care weather it's a home you own or rent, it's sad when people don't take pride in where they live. and it looks shockingly familiar, too... hmmm... oh ya, my house before we ripped everything apart! ha ha ha, gross!!)
GROSS GROSS and more GROSS! Yuck! Where would one even start to try and clean that up! YUCK! I seriously feel for you. I think you have a good chance of no one renting it in that condition!
Oh yeah.. I forgot to add. It is really sad, it looks like they had kids living in that crap hole!
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