About a month and a half ago, out of the blue I got a call from a Representative for the Iron County Republican Party. He called to ask if I would sing the National Anthem and America the Beautiful at their Convention on March 25. Reluctantly I accepted. I haven't sung in front of a real audience in years. The last time I sang in front of anyone was when I worked at Chuck-A-Rama for extra tips. I haven't even sung in church. Lets just say that I am pretty rusty. So this was a big deal for me even though it was for tiny little Iron County folks.
A week before the performance I got super sick. I was going to call and cancel (which would have been a great "easy-out" because I was afraid) but I couldn't find the phone number of the guy how called me. I searched everywhere, the phonebook, Internet and every nuck and cranny in my house. I was stuck with this obligation and my integrity. On top of all this Peter was going to be out of town. It was time to do some major humbling and go on faith that I would be able to have a voice and perform well.
I am so glad I persisted in following through with it. Not only was I blessed with health and calmness, I was blessed with a new found patriotism. Singing these powerful anthems awakened a sense of what our Four Fathers might have felt when establishing this Great Nation. Unfortunately we are far from what they had envisioned for us. No one seem to care that we are being suckered into socialism. More and more I see what real freedom is, such as: striking out on your own and making something of yourself out of nothing, being able to have choices and be accountable for them, be self governing, to be independent, to be able to practice my faith freely. My favorite line is America the Beautiful is: "God mend thy every flaw. Confirm thy soul with self control, thy liberty in Law." Our government has lost faith in its people, the principles of our Constitution and the unalienable rights of humans. It seems its' only motivation is in greed and power. I fear for the future of my children (that's if am able to have any).
Yay! What a fun experience for you Vanessa! Love ya!:-)
I bet you did a great job! I love hearing you sing! I think it is awesome you got over your fear! :)
Wow!!!! Seriously? What an honor...I'm bummed I missed you sing!!! Love you!
That is SUCH a beautiful picture of you. You really are gorgeous.
I'm glad everything went well, and that you got to feeling better! Way to go!
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