At the end of this month we are moving out of the apartment that we have called home for over a year. That's a big accomplishment for us because, before this place we moved 5 times in 8 months. You maybe asking why are you moving then, well......... On the first of this month I had found out that we were paying almost a $100.00 more in rent then the other tenants in our complex. That pissed me off. We asked Asset Management company to lower our rent our we'll leave, but all they said was make sure you hand in your one month notice. Fine!!!! We found some where else to live. (take that Ass*%#% Management) This new place is not as nice or new but it is a lot less rent, it's only 450.00 month and it is just down the street from our old place. (: yea we get to stay in our ward, which Peter loves cause he just got called to be Sunday school teacher.((His favorite Calling)). The best part of moving is going through all of the crap I have and getting rid of it. Its a great way of cleaning out my life. The bad part of moving is that we don't have any friends to sucker into helping us move the crap that we do keep.
I don't mind this down scaling. It's always easier to do it if you choose too, not if you have too.
The biggest stink I have about this move is how much we have to pay to get the cheap carpet cleaned after we move out. I can't find a Carpet Cleaner that will do it for less then $100. Asset Management keeps sticking it to us. I can't to be away from them. OK enough of my "grump talk" I am very excited for this change, it is much needed. This will save us a bunch of money over the summer since we'll be at BSA camp almost all week. (Oh ya, If you don't already know, I'm going to be Program Director at Thunder Ridge this summer.)
When I saw moving time.. I got a little happy thinking it might be back to SLC. Good luck on your move. I wish we were close to help you move. (Or do I?)
Good Luck sis! I hope that you get your deposit back from the crapy management co. Sorry that we can't help you move. Have a good weekend- Love you!
that's pretty lame that they were overcharging you. i hope you love the new place! good luck moving.
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